The intriguing canopy


It is as easy as it is difficult to draw meanings from thoughts which intermingle to form a complex network.
A network that looks beautiful only when one fails to feel the never ending struggle of branches in pursuit of light.
The darkness of branches and their stems make the superficial view look bathed in vibrant colours.
However, looks like the sun is rising. Heard that its light travels many light years, it shouldn’t  be long when it reaches under the confused canopy…


India Habitat Center

When it is hard for the eyes to spot the difference
Between reality and virtual reflection
The commotion in the mind searches for reminiscence
But in vain goes all the introspection

He looks through the glass of guilt made
Translucent by the scars of selfishness
Yearning to do righteous deeds slowly fade
Trapped in the comfort zone exposing helplessness

Focused on the light he tries again
Trusting the trees and leaves to be real
He breaks the glass leaving weakness’ feign
To climb to the roof enchantingly surreal

Upon reaching the top he turns and sees
The journey traveled from dungeons to sky
Tired, he deep breathes the refreshing breeze
Lived and loved enough, he now wasn’t scared to die

The Blindness

I stand in a valley surrounded
By hills and trees mounted
The sun shines on the opposite hemisphere
And the moon can be seen nowhere

In an ocean of dark
I see things pointed like a shark
The rustling leaves make a sound so shrill
My spine shivers with the stormy wind’s chill

The pupil is maximized but still
Unable to get the light to fill
Black shapes appear on canvas black
A cricket chirps and animates the pack

Slowly the dawn breaks and
The black canvas gets a red band
The black sharks now lush green
The misty mountains so serene

The fear of unknown scared
Of knowledge making it impaired
The cool winds kiss the ears and whisper
The blindness, not the scene, is the one to whimper